Where are the directors of Chase Bank and National Bank after writing their statement?

By Veronica Onjoro | Apr 26, 2016

An article in the local daily told of how a Tarda Sacco treasurer stole 4.3 million. The Cooperative tribunal chairman froze her personal accounts at Barclays and Family bank pending the hearing and determination of the case under certificate of urgency.

The directors of Chase and National banks were called to write a statement and did they all write?

Where are they? Why has no one swung into action to diffuse the tension of bank account holders by doing something like what the Cooperative tribunal chairman did? Why have they not already frozen their accounts? When is their case starting? Where have investigators reached? Where were they banking their money?

How many vehicles do they have so that all are taken away and they start hassling on tuk tuk, taxis and boda bodas? How many properties do they own? If a man steals a chicken or macadamia nuts in Kenya, he is stoned to death but if you steal billions in Kenya, the police make a landline call to you, to visit their headquarters with your supporters and lawyers to shed light on what has been happening to your bank lately.

What is wrong with Kenyan bank directors? Let the Central Bank directors spell out qualifications of directors and what they can loan themselves and other stringent rules. For example all directors’ loans should be published during shareholders meetings. I bet the directors of Chase Bank are on holiday somewhere eating madafu and floating in the swimming pool with dark glasses. This is impunity.

Let all of them miss sleep until they pay all the money they loaned themselves. Investigators should not forget ordinary bank account holders who had been given loans; they could be their cronies too.

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