Kimunya gazettes road safety body

By - | Feb 06, 2013


Government has constituted an institution to regulate the country’s chaotic and lawless multi-billion-shilling public transport industry.

 In a gazette notice, Transport Minister Amos Kimunya established the National Transport and Safety Authority, which will have 11 members from the private sector and Government. 

Kimunya also gazetted names of board members to sit in the Authority from the private sector. They include the Managing Director of Kenya Business Service Edwins Mukabanah, Managing Director of General Motors East Africa Rita Kavishe, Charles Kanjama, Alister Murimi Mutugi, Nasra Sheikh Ahmed, and Bright Oywaya.  The rest will be tapped from the Government line ministries mainly transport.

The new institution disbands the Transport Licensing Board and the moribund national road safety council. 

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