You are doing a good job, Ruto tells police

By Esther Nyambura | Jul 21, 2023

President William Ruto at Chogoria in Meru County, where he launched the Chogoria Water Supply Infrastructure on July 13, 2023. [Phares Mutembei, Standard]

President William Ruto says police officers have acted professionally during the anti-government protests.

Speaking during a thanksgiving ceremony in Muranga County on Friday, July 21, Ruto commended the police saying they have done a good job in maintaining law and order and restoring normalcy in the country.

"I want to commend our security agents for being professional in how they have handled all these people. Criminals must be dealt with decisively irrespective of who they are or the authority or power they think they have," said Ruto.

He added; "We cannot allow people to destroy property or cause mayhem and then go scot-free. Everyone must follow the law."

His remarks came two days after some members of the Azimio la Umoja Coalition were arrested and detained in different locations.

Some of them were later released while others, including Embakasi East MP Babu Owino, were arraigned in court on Friday, July 21, 2023.

Meanwhile, Interior CS Kithure Kindiki said police officers have so far arrested over 300 people over the nationwide protests.

Amnesty International has put the number of those who have been killed since the protests started in March 2023 at 30 people.

The Azimio coalition has complained about the conduct of police during the protests and has called on the international community to take investigate the matter.

According to the coalition, the government has disrupted what was supposed to be peaceful demonstrations, injured and killed innocent citizens.

"We have noticed an unprecedented level of police brutality on innocent Kenyans. We are calling on the international community to take serious note of these happenings," said National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi during a press statement on Thursday, July 20 at Parliament.

"We are asking the International Criminal Court to take a keener interest in what is happening in Kenyan and formally ask the Director of Public Prosecution to carry out independent and speedy investigations on the perpetrators."

The coalition further urged families of those killed during the demos not to bury their kin without a postmortem stating clearly their causes of death.

However, according to Ruto, the police are doing their job in ensuring there is law and order.

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