Kamukunji MP wants historic city grounds protected

By Josphat Thio'go | Mar 09, 2016
Idlers resting at Kamukunji grounds, which was a famous venue where the 1990 Saba Saba rally was held during the second liberation struggle. [Photo: FILE/STANDARD]

Kamkunji Member of Parliament Yusuf Hassan wants the historic Kamukunji grounds declared a national protected monument.

In a notice of motion tabled in the National Assembly, he says the ground was one of the most important public spaces in the country's political history, yet it was in a derelict state.

"The Kamukunji grounds hosted the Saba Saba rally that brought an end to the one-party rule ushering in new ear of multiparty democracy," said Mr Hassan.

He added that little was being done by the Government to ensure that its history is preserved, despite the grounds playing a significant role in the Kenyan peoples' struggle for human rights and democracy for the past 40 years.

At first sight, one would be forgiven to think that the ground is just a football field and a dumpsite.

During the quest for multi-party democracy, the ground was used by veteran politicians to hold rallies such as the 1990 'Saba Saba' that gave birth to the multi-party democracy.

Kamukunji played host to the initial protests called by former Ford-Asili leader Kenneth Matiba and subsequent ones spearheaded by Kenya's first VP Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, and fellow founder members of the original Forum for Restoration of Democracy, including Philip Gachoka, George Nthenge, Martin Shikuku and Ahmed Salim Bahmariz.

The issue of Kamukunji grounds being declared a national protected monument is being discussed by the Departmental Committee on Labour and Social Welfare, which would give its recommendation to the House for debate.

Pumwani ward rep Ken Irungu said the ground is no longer rife with political activity and that land grabbers were targeting it.

He blamed the county government for not maintaining the grounds.

"At 22 years old, I remember attending the multi-party rally at the Kamukunji grounds and it is saddening to see that it has been neglected. Whenever we confront the county government, they don't have answers," said Mr Irungu.

The MCA now wants the Government to revamp the grounds to attract more activity.

According to the 2013 Finance Act, use of Kamukunji grounds for political rallies will attract Sh50,000 per day, Sh30,000 per day for religious rallies and Sh1,500 for the lunchtime preachers at the grounds.

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