I&M holdings appoints new ceo to head kenyan banking unit

By Correspondent | May 17, 2016

I&M Holdings has announced the appointment of Kihara Maina as CEO of I&M Bank Kenya.

The appointment was announced by Sarit Raja-Shah, I&M Bank’s executive director, who said it is geared at further strengthening the lender’s corporate governance and human capacity.

The appointment is also part of a strategic effort by I&M Holdings to accelerate I&M Bank Kenya’s drive to attain Tier I status on the back of innovative products and services.

A seasoned career banker, Mr Maina, formerly Barclays Bank of Tanzania’s managing director, will be taking over from outgoing CEO Arun Mathur, who is retiring. Mr Mathur will assume an advisory role within the bank group.

Maina has worked for 23 years in banking, holding various senior management positions. He brings on board a wealth of experience, including in treasury management, corporate finance, and risk, asset and liability management.

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