Civil groups seek to bar Kimunya from holding office

By - | Oct 10, 2012

By Patrick Kibet

Two civil society organisations have moved to court seeking to bar Transport Minister Amos Kimunya from holding office over his role in the De La Rue currency printing contracts.

Trusted Society of Human Rights and Awake East Africa want the court to bar Kimunya from office together with Central Bank Governor Njuguna Ndung’u and Treasury PS Joseph Kinyua until investigation is conducted by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.

Lawyer Gordon Ogolla, representing the petitioners, told Justice William Ouko that the Parliamentary Accounts Committee in its report to Parliament incriminated the three.

Ogolla wanted the court to certify the matter as urgent and issue conservatory orders compelling the President and the Prime Minister to relieve the three of their duties.

He also wanted the case be referred to the Chief Justice to constitute a three-judge bench to hear it. They noted that the country lost Sh1.8 billion due to the cancellation of the contracts and new orders were not subjected to competitive bidding.

They also stated that Cockar Report on the sale of Laico Regency recommended that Kimunya and Ndung’u be held responsible over the loss of millions of shillings.

The petitioners want the court to declare the actions by the three were contrary to the Constitution, Procurement and Disposal Act 2005 among other laws.

They are further seeking a declaration that the two Principals abdicated their constitutional mandate by not relieving the three of their duties.

Justice Ouko certified the case as urgent but declined to issue conservatory orders and directed the petitioners to serve the respondents for inter-parte hearing on October 23.

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