Rival MPs engage in an exchange over party support

By | Aug 14, 2011

By Allan Kisia

Ford Kenya and New Ford Kenya rivalry played out at the weekend with leaders of the two parties going for each other’s neck. Leaders of the two rival parties gave reasons why their respective outfits would form the next Government.

The leaders met at the funeral of slain Webuye deputy mayor Timothy Wekesa in Sinoko village.

Party leaders Soita Shitanda (New Ford Kenya) and Moses Wetangula (Ford Kenya) were both in full praise of their respective parties.

Shitanda said his party’s presidential aspirant, Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa, had a national appeal and that people from other regions would vote for him.

Shitanda told Cabinet Minister Noah Wekesa, who had indicated that he would never ditch Ford Kenya, to grow old politely.

Wetangula, who spoke earlier, said leaders should show respect to their rivals if they expect to be respected in return. He said Ford Kenya will conduct all its activities in a free and transparent manner.

"I am in the race for presidency. I am asking for your blessings knowing very well everything is possible if we work in unity," he added.

Wekesa wondered why politicians from Western fight each other every time elections approach, stating that Politicians in other regions speak with one voice.

He vowed never to leave Ford Kenya saying the late Vice President Kijana Wamalwa told him never to abandon the party.

Former Cabinet Minister Mukhisa Kituyi said it would be illogical for a leader to remain in a party that does not serve his purposes.

"We had our reasons for joining Ford Kenya. We also had our reasons for ditching it," he added.

Nominated MP Musikari Kombo said Wekesa should learn to speak the truth. Kombo, who is former Ford Kenya chairman, pointed out that Wekesa was re-elected to Parliament on a PNU ticket and not Ford Kenya.

"You left and went to PNU. Why are you now saying that you can never leave Ford Kenya," said Kombo.

Kombo ditched Ford Kenya and is now in New Ford Kenya.

Assistant minister Bifwoli Wakoli expressed confidence that Ford Kenya will triumph next year.

"We will support each other and make sure our party’s presidential candidate wins the elections," he said.

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