Negging involves subtle or not-so-subtle digs disguised as compliments. It might sound like, “You look great in that dress...for your size. I would never wear that"
By Esther Muchene Apr. 8, 2024
One of the most subtle indicators of underlying unhappiness is a persistent feeling of dissatisfaction, a nagging sense that something is amiss despite outward appearances
By Esther Muchene Mar. 31, 2024
The sudden death of a loved one is a devastating event that can leave us feeling lost, disoriented and overwhelmed by grief
By Esther Muchene Mar. 24, 2024
Navigating the nuances of when to apologise and when to stand firm becomes an essential skill in the journey of mental wellness and healthy communication
By Esther Muchene Mar. 18, 2024
It is about striking a delicate balance between expressing your truth and acknowledging the other person's perspective, fostering a pathway to healthy communication and mutual understanding
By Esther Muchene Mar. 11, 2024
Stepping away from social media allows you to break free from this harmful comparison trap and reconnect with your unique value
By Esther Muchene Feb. 13, 2024
Depression extends beyond the stereotypical image of someone solely experiencing persistent sadness
By Esther Muchene Feb. 5, 2024
Beyond appreciation, gratitude holds the potential to deeply impact our mental health
By Esther Muchene Jan. 21, 2024
As we embark on the unknown journey ahead of us this New Year, the collective air is infused with aspirations for new beginnings, personal growth and the pursuit of excellence
By Esther Muchene Jan. 14, 2024
Health experts advise that starting small is ideal if one wants to reap the benefits of achieving goals
By Jayne Rose Gacheri Jan. 8, 2024
Addressing the topic of mental health with a loved one requires delicate consideration, empathy and a keen understanding of the nuances surrounding the subject
By Esther Muchene Jan. 8, 2024
Positive emotions motivate us to broaden our horizons as they are particularly potent in inspiring us to explore, learn, and connect to others and the bigger world
By Jayne Rose Gacheri Jan. 6, 2024
My friends think I have made it in life. A good job, a good man, a full social life. But it doesn’t feel like that to me
By Chris Hart Jan. 2, 2024
Decision fatigue is a phenomenon that creeps into our lives, affecting our ability to make sound choices as the day unfolds
By Esther Muchene Dec. 31, 2023
Navigating familial relationships can be a complex journey and finding yourself in a situation where family members harbour resentment or animosity can be emotionally challenging
By Esther Muchene Dec. 29, 2023
Many women, especially in their first pregnancies, harbour several anxieties about what they should be cautious about during pregnancy
By Dr Alfred Murage Dec. 22, 2023
Christmas dinner tables tend to be full of unhealthy foods and drinks. Some foods contribute to cardio-metabolic diseases, either immediately or in the long term
By Dr Alfred Murage Dec. 20, 2023
Family therapy is not an admission of failure but a proactive and constructive step towards fostering healthier familial connections
By Esther Muchene Dec. 18, 2023
It has long been established that those who live alone, and those experiencing loneliness in other ways, have higher risks of dying prematurely
By Dr Alfred Murage Nov. 24, 2023
Parenting is an ever-evolving journey, and as children grow older, new challenges arise. Addressing bad behaviour in older children requires wisdom, understanding, and patience
By Esther Muchene Nov. 23, 2023
Silent suffering, often masked by a façade of normalcy, can take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being
By Esther Muchene Nov. 20, 2023
Identifying the stress triggers in your workplace is a crucial step toward creating a healthier, more balanced work environment
By Esther Muchene Nov. 15, 2023
In of human psychology, where the boundaries between desire and compulsion blur, sex addiction emerges as a complex and often misunderstood phenomenon
By Eve Waruingi Nov. 9, 2023
As paradoxical as it may seem, pain is a powerful teacher. It can shape us, fortify our resilience and illuminate the path toward healing and growth
By Esther Muchene Nov. 5, 2023
When these changes occur, we are able to reflect on our past chapters and envision what the future holds
By Esther Muchene Oct. 15, 2023
Disappointments are an emotional minefield, capable of triggering a range of intense feelings from sadness and frustration to anger and even shame
By Esther Muchene Oct. 9, 2023
Life often throws us curveballs and sometimes, those curveballs take the form of anticipatory grief- that feeling of mourning before the actual loss hits you
By Esther Muchene Oct. 2, 2023
Research shows that there is a complex relationship between feeling guilty while sick and the profound impact it has on our mental well-being
By Esther Muchene Sep. 17, 2023
Understanding the proper ways to rest, the various forms of rest, and how to incorporate them into our lives can lead to a healthier and more balanced life
By Esther Muchene Sep. 3, 2023
Shedding tears plays a vital role in maintaining mental wellness and overall health
By Esther Muchene Aug. 27, 2023
There are benefits that lie in being mindful about what you do right before and after meals
By Esther Muchene Aug. 16, 2023
Remember that you're the master of your happiness and sweating over the small stuff only takes away those precious moments of joy
By Esther Muchene Aug. 7, 2023
As your brain works overtime to explore endless possibilities, it triggers the release of stress hormones
By Esther Muchene Jul. 30, 2023
Negging involves subtle or not-so-subtle digs disguised as compliments. It might sound like, “You look great in that dress...for your size. I would never wear that"
By Esther Muchene Apr. 8, 2024
One of the most subtle indicators of underlying unhappiness is a persistent feeling of dissatisfaction, a nagging sense that something is amiss despite outward appearances
By Esther Muchene Mar. 31, 2024
The sudden death of a loved one is a devastating event that can leave us feeling lost, disoriented and overwhelmed by grief
By Esther Muchene Mar. 24, 2024
Navigating the nuances of when to apologise and when to stand firm becomes an essential skill in the journey of mental wellness and healthy communication
By Esther Muchene Mar. 18, 2024
It is about striking a delicate balance between expressing your truth and acknowledging the other person's perspective, fostering a pathway to healthy communication and mutual understanding
By Esther Muchene Mar. 11, 2024
Stepping away from social media allows you to break free from this harmful comparison trap and reconnect with your unique value
By Esther Muchene Feb. 13, 2024
Depression extends beyond the stereotypical image of someone solely experiencing persistent sadness
By Esther Muchene Feb. 5, 2024
Beyond appreciation, gratitude holds the potential to deeply impact our mental health
By Esther Muchene Jan. 21, 2024
As we embark on the unknown journey ahead of us this New Year, the collective air is infused with aspirations for new beginnings, personal growth and the pursuit of excellence
By Esther Muchene Jan. 14, 2024
Health experts advise that starting small is ideal if one wants to reap the benefits of achieving goals
By Jayne Rose Gacheri Jan. 8, 2024
Addressing the topic of mental health with a loved one requires delicate consideration, empathy and a keen understanding of the nuances surrounding the subject
By Esther Muchene Jan. 8, 2024
Positive emotions motivate us to broaden our horizons as they are particularly potent in inspiring us to explore, learn, and connect to others and the bigger world
By Jayne Rose Gacheri Jan. 6, 2024
My friends think I have made it in life. A good job, a good man, a full social life. But it doesn’t feel like that to me
By Chris Hart Jan. 2, 2024
Decision fatigue is a phenomenon that creeps into our lives, affecting our ability to make sound choices as the day unfolds
By Esther Muchene Dec. 31, 2023
Navigating familial relationships can be a complex journey and finding yourself in a situation where family members harbour resentment or animosity can be emotionally challenging
By Esther Muchene Dec. 29, 2023
Many women, especially in their first pregnancies, harbour several anxieties about what they should be cautious about during pregnancy
By Dr Alfred Murage Dec. 22, 2023
Christmas dinner tables tend to be full of unhealthy foods and drinks. Some foods contribute to cardio-metabolic diseases, either immediately or in the long term
By Dr Alfred Murage Dec. 20, 2023
Family therapy is not an admission of failure but a proactive and constructive step towards fostering healthier familial connections
By Esther Muchene Dec. 18, 2023
It has long been established that those who live alone, and those experiencing loneliness in other ways, have higher risks of dying prematurely
By Dr Alfred Murage Nov. 24, 2023
Parenting is an ever-evolving journey, and as children grow older, new challenges arise. Addressing bad behaviour in older children requires wisdom, understanding, and patience
By Esther Muchene Nov. 23, 2023
Silent suffering, often masked by a façade of normalcy, can take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being
By Esther Muchene Nov. 20, 2023
Identifying the stress triggers in your workplace is a crucial step toward creating a healthier, more balanced work environment
By Esther Muchene Nov. 15, 2023
In of human psychology, where the boundaries between desire and compulsion blur, sex addiction emerges as a complex and often misunderstood phenomenon
By Eve Waruingi Nov. 9, 2023
As paradoxical as it may seem, pain is a powerful teacher. It can shape us, fortify our resilience and illuminate the path toward healing and growth
By Esther Muchene Nov. 5, 2023
When these changes occur, we are able to reflect on our past chapters and envision what the future holds
By Esther Muchene Oct. 15, 2023
Disappointments are an emotional minefield, capable of triggering a range of intense feelings from sadness and frustration to anger and even shame
By Esther Muchene Oct. 9, 2023
Life often throws us curveballs and sometimes, those curveballs take the form of anticipatory grief- that feeling of mourning before the actual loss hits you
By Esther Muchene Oct. 2, 2023
Research shows that there is a complex relationship between feeling guilty while sick and the profound impact it has on our mental well-being
By Esther Muchene Sep. 17, 2023
Understanding the proper ways to rest, the various forms of rest, and how to incorporate them into our lives can lead to a healthier and more balanced life
By Esther Muchene Sep. 3, 2023
Shedding tears plays a vital role in maintaining mental wellness and overall health
By Esther Muchene Aug. 27, 2023
There are benefits that lie in being mindful about what you do right before and after meals
By Esther Muchene Aug. 16, 2023
Remember that you're the master of your happiness and sweating over the small stuff only takes away those precious moments of joy
By Esther Muchene Aug. 7, 2023
As your brain works overtime to explore endless possibilities, it triggers the release of stress hormones
By Esther Muchene Jul. 30, 2023