The dating scene is like a pond of frogs and you might have to kiss a few before you find your princess. Here are the types of women you are likely to encounter
By Eve Waruingi Jul. 5, 2023
Fear of judgement and discrimination leads many people to hide this condition and isolate themselves.  Most fear being labelled as 'crazy' or 'potentially dangerous'
By Eve Waruingi Oct. 3, 2023
A woman's journey is a symphony of transitions. But there is one phase that is often shrouded in silence, an unspoken storm that rattles the soul - menopause
By Eve Waruingi Oct. 10, 2023
It's a place where psychological battles are fought daily, and where you'll find more drama than a reality TV show
Career Tips
By Eve Waruingi Oct. 10, 2023
We're living in an age of constant stimulation where the boundaries between day and night have blurred significantly
By Eve Waruingi Oct. 11, 2023
In the realm of romance, the age-old question often whispered over clinking champagne glasses and candlelit dinners is whether women should date ‘sponsors’
By Eve Waruingi Oct. 17, 2023
Armed with snarky comments, memes and a truckload of GIFs, these keyboard warriors are like the court jesters of the digital age
By Eve Waruingi Oct. 18, 2023
Men, with a flair for the dramatic, are donning wigs, heels and fabulous outfits as they embrace their ‘alter egos’ in the virtual realm
In of human psychology, where the boundaries between desire and compulsion blur, sex addiction emerges as a complex and often misunderstood phenomenon
By Eve Waruingi Nov. 9, 2023
According to the World Health Organisation, a staggering 29.8 per cent of all adult mental disorders are the result of childhood trauma
By Eve Waruingi Nov. 28, 2023
For many women, the holidays signify a whirlwind of responsibilities, from planning festive gatherings to managing work commitments
By Eve Waruingi Dec. 13, 2023
Romantic love weaves complex stories of passion, connection and often obsession. Obsessive love is where the line between devotion and fixation blurs
By Eve Waruingi Feb. 9, 2024
Consent is the cornerstone of healthy and fulfilling intimacy. It ensures that every encounter is a deliberate choice, free from coercion or manipulation
By Eve Waruingi Feb. 27, 2024