A home facial is less pricey and equally relaxing (Image: Shutterstock)

You may have noticed some pesky pimples around your forehead and since facials can be quite pricey, the next best thing you have decided to do is a home facial.

And do you know why that’s a great idea?

Because it feels just as good as the real thing, you can queue up your favorite movie playlist all at the comfort of your home or get to finish that book you have been wanting to read forever as you get some much-deserved rest and relaxation.

Now that you have set aside some time for self-love make sure everything is prepared to set the right ambience and mood. Identify what skin issues you want to tackle and choose the products you want to use to address those problems.

With that ticked off the list here are some of the steps you can use to pamper yourself and bring that spa feeling to your home:

 The first step is to cleanse your face to rid it of all dirt and gunk on your face (Image: Shutterstock)

Step 1: Cleanse

Starting with a fresh face is crucial. The reason behind cleansing is to remove makeup, dirt, sweat and any other gunk that may be on your face. This will enable your face to absorb the product you use thereafter with much ease.

Start with an oil-based cleanser to break down what is on your face then follow up with a water-based cleanser.

Gently apply and massage it all over your face and let it sit for about a minute. This will remove any buildup that may have been left behind without stripping your skin dry.

Step 2: Steam

If you have been to a spa, you know that steaming is part of the process. Steaming does wonders to your skin. Besides opening up the pores it softens the top layer of your skin and that way it will be easier to unclog the pores.

Another plus is it helps your skin take in the moisturizers and serums you will use.

If you don’t have a facial steamer, you can do it the good ol’ way of putting your face over a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head to trap the steam.  And if you want to lay down, placing a hot towel over your face for 15 minutes works too.

For extra benefits you can add some dried flowers, flavored organic tea bags or a few pieces of sliced lemons to the water bringing it to a boil.

Step 3: Exfoliate

For a brighter more radiant face you want to use a chemical exfoliator like a beta or alpha hydroxy acid or an enzyme to smoothen your skin texture.

Pick the right exfoliator depending on your skin problems and gently massage onto your skin. This will remove any dead skin leaving behind a clearer canvas.

If you have sensitive skin you want to stay away from scrubs that may leave small tear like scratches that can get infected leading to some irritation.

 Always go for a hydrating mask for that extra glow and supple skin (Image: Shutterstock)

Step 4: Mask

How you choose to do this depends on your preference. You can use chilled cucumber slices or some rose water soaked in cotton balls then leave them on for about 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

However, if you want something close to a spa treatment then you want to use an exfoliating mask then for an insane glow and hydration you want to go in with a hydrating one. Leave it overnight for better results.

Step 5: Moisturize

Once the mask is rinsed off, lock in the hydration with a moisturizer or serum that deals with the skin issues you are suffering from.

You can use a rich cream or lightweight moisturizer and to help your skin feel even better use a facial massage tool.

A jade roller for instance will help depuff and promote collagen and cell turnover.