'How was your day' can get boring pretty fast (Image: Shutterstock)

Communication is key for a healthy relationship and it is one of the major causes that leads to quite a number of breakups.

The moment you stop having open conversations as a couple, things start to go sour.

No matter what stage of the relationship you’re in, there is still so much you can learn from each other and it is during such times you can discuss those important topics.

I know this may not be the fellas cup of tea but this proactive way of communication will certainly deepen your bond.

If you truly want to know how your significant other is doing, you need to start asking better questions other than ‘how are you doing?’ or ‘how was your day?’ which are so boring.

Here are some great conversation starters worth putting into action:

‘What was the highlight of your day today?’

Now this is a much better way to get to know what is going on in your partner’s life instead of asking how they are doing. This will get more interesting with the answers and you can build the conversation from there.

‘What is your love language?’

If your relationship is still fresh, find out the type of love and support they would like to receive from you. Learn about the different love languages and start doing what he or she feels their needs are being met.

‘What was the highlight of your week?’

Again, when you ask your partner how they are doing or how things are going on with them, you will get the rehearsed ‘’fine’’ or ‘’good’’ response. But when you ask about something that stood out during their week, they will have to give a detailed answer that will lead to an even deeper conversation.

 Talking about your sex life can be a good way to start (Image: Shutterstock)
‘What is your dream vacation?’

With everything that is going on with the pandemic, now more than ever do we want to go outdoors and enjoy some nature and adventure. Ask your partner where they dream of visiting and maybe you can surprise or plan to go there for your next holiday.

‘What is your favorite thing about me?’

Sometimes you just want to hear something nice about yourself coming from your partner’s lips. It doesn’t hurt to fish for those compliments once in a while. Return the favor and tell them what you also love about them.

‘Where would you want to live in the future?’

Deciding on where to settle down can lead to a breakup if you have different ideas on where you would like to settle down in future. They may have plans to relocate entirely to a different country or move back to where they grew up which can be a deal breaker.

“What do you think about our sex life?’

Assuming you have been in a long-term relationship you are probably engaging in sex. It is important to ask your partner if they are satisfied and whether there are things you can do to have more bedroom fun.