Let’s make this super delicious and simple savoury muffin, ideal for a protein-filled baked breakfast treat.

What you will need:

8-10 medium size potatoes (boiled)

8 whole eggs

3 beef sausages (baked)

1 teaspoon paprika

1 teaspoon black paper

8 slices of cheese

2 sticks of rosemary

Salt to taste

Oil for greasing

What to do:

Grate all the boiled potatoes and set aside.

Season the potatoes with some salt, black pepper and mix well using your hands.

Grease a muffin tin with some oil or use oil spray if you have.

Fill the muffin tin with the grated potatoes ensuring you leave a hollow space in the middle. Brush a little bit of the oil on top of the potatoes, put the tray in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 10 minutes for the potatoes to crust.

Once crusted, remove from oven and break a whole egg on each potato tart, season with salt, pepper and paprika.

Cut the sausages into cubes and add on.

Roughly cut the cheese slices and add on each. Finish off with a touch of rosemary and return back in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes.

Once ready, remove from heat and serve hot with some tomato ketchup on the side. Enjoy.

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Easy Recipes;Baking;Muffins;Eats;Disiac