White foods such as potatoes, cauliflowers and pears are often over looked as all the attention goes to fruits and leafy greens. Admittedly, fruits and vegetables are more colorful and enticing to the eye. That however does not mean white foods should be ignored.

They are quite the performance boosters. Here is how these white foods can help you improve your workout.

They help with endurance

Pears and potatoes are some of the easily digestible carbohydrates. Because of this, they are quickly concerted to energy in your body. This then gives you all the steady energy you need so as to power you through a work out. As for foods such as turnips and leeks, they contain high nitrate concentration. The nitrate is good for your cardiovascular system and helps decrease the amount of oxygen you will need when exercising. This helps you have a speedy workout. They also boost your blood flow so you can work out harder and for longer.

Will help your muscles get stronger

White foods that are rich in potassium such as potatoes and parsnips are great for your workout. They are effective in helping prevent muscle fatigue, cramps and weakness. A lot of us do not get enough potassium in our bodies and it is one of those crucial minerals we all need to add to our diets. Did you know that potatoes have about 50% more potassium than bananas do!

They help with fast recovery

A study found out that cyclists who consumed pears before, during and after their workouts cycled much faster and recovered more quickly than cyclists who just took water. This is because pears contain healthy carbs and a blend of polyphenols that speed up the muscle healing process. Pears also contain Vitamin C which helps boost immunity, as immunity often lowers after a workout.