Accompanying mood swings, cramps, low energy levels during menses is the craving for certain kinds of foods. This would have been good if the craving would take a more sober road and be of value adding diets.

However this is not the case and most people find themselves drawn from their normal diet towards junk food.

What’s the one thing that never fails to make you feel better?

This is not only bad for the diet but also for the body at that specific time since our bodies act a bit different during menses. Health specialists have hence come up with foods suitable for this time and their effects towards the body

Foods to eat

Green leafy vegetables like kales and spinach- Blood loss experienced during periods leads to loss of red blood cells which may then end up ushering in anemia. These foods, incorporated in the diet in form of salads, risottos, stir fries and smoothies will ensure the iron does not drop to unhealthy levels.

Omega 3 fatty acids- These foods help in relaxing the muscles ad steadying the nerves which in turn helps with reducing cramps. The common source of these is salmon. Avocados and walnuts may step in where salmon is not readily available or consumable.

Dark chocolate- Chocolate that has no sugar in it has anti0oxidants and magnesium which acts very well in calming one. Chocolate is also known to help in production of Serotonin, commonly referred to as the happy hormone hence reducing mood swings

Whole grains- While giving the body magnesium and vitamins B and E, these foods fight fatigue and possible depression that accompanies periods. They also help in keeping the stomach a full feel hence the craving for food is reduced.

Yogurt- the live cultures in yogurt assist with a healthy digestion while the calcium in it relaxes muscles and reduces premenstrual syndrome, commonly known as PMS

Bananas-the amount of potassium and vitamin B6 among others that is present in bananas regulate bowel movement which many will admit is a hard to ignore problem during menses

Foods rich in fibre- this kind helps to fight constipation and associated problems like hemorrhoids. One can get sufficient fibre by adding nuts, skin of fruits, wholegrain, crunchy vegetables on the diet.

Adequate water- regular supply of water to the body helps to relieve water retention and combats bloating.