When you start working out, set realistic goals (Photo: Shutterstock)

It honestly takes some time for you to convince yourself to go back to the gym especially if you have been away for quite some time or if you have gained a couple of pounds or, have never stepped foot in a gym. 

All the same if it has to be done it has to be done. 

Honestly if there was a nonjudgmental support group for working out, I would totally go because I need the motivation. I know the fear of going to the gym and everyone else is so fit they can lift weights with much ease while you are already out of breath from going up the stairs into the gym is enough to send me back home. 

Physical exercise is important but it takes time to adjust to it. You need to be consistent, motivated and accountable. 

In my opinion, I find it best to have a gym instructor for you to be able to achieve the desired results. Keep in mind that everyone’s body is different and the results may not be as quick or instant. But remember progress over perfection. 

And do yourself a favor and set realistic goals for yourself. Don’t try to look like an Instagram model because you might end up being very disappointed.

 Wear clothes that won't hinder circulation (Photo: Shutterstock)

Below are some things you need to avoid when you are going back to the gym.

Do not jump back into vigorous exercises quickly

I know when the time to get back to working out we all want to give it our best and get back in shape as soon as possible. But this might result in some serious wear and tear of your muscles. You need to ease into the workout. Start off with simple workouts then continue advancing over time. It’s best for you to get a trainer to help you through this if you can. 

Don’t go to the gym if you are feeling sick

I know people think powering through sickness is the best way to deal with it but it’s not. If you stopped going to the gym because you were sick, wait until you are fully recovered. Don’t overstrain your body. No matter how mild your illness may be, think about the next person you may infect with a flu for instance.

Avoid wearing tight outfits

Movies and social media are quite deceiving. We see people working out in very tight outfits and we all think that’s the way to go. But actually, it will have some negative effects on you. Clothes that are too tight will cut off your blood and oxygen circulation and worst of all may end up getting torn in front of everyone. If your old gym clothes are a bit smaller get a new pair and make sure they are stretchy.

 Pay attention to injuries (Photo: Shutterstock)

Do not impulse eat after exercising

I don’t know if I’m alone on this but every time I start working out after my routine, I feel like binge eating all my favorite guilty foods. This will affect your progress so ensure to consume foods rich in fiber and don’t go to the gym hungry. Load up on veggies, fruits, whole grains and proteins in order to achieve your desired results.

Do not ignore injuries

The worst thing you can do is going to the gym and getting an injury on the first day. Do not ignore the injury if it doesn’t feel better after receiving first aid then visit your doctor. Powering through an injury can make it worse.

Take your medication with you

Unfortunately, some of us need to constantly carry our medication wherever we go. If you need your allergy shot or inhaler, make sure you carry it to the gym with you. You don’t want to be taken out of the gym by an ambulance simply because you forgot to carry your meds.

Carry your water

Hydration is very important. It helps so much especially when trying to get rid of a stitch which is caused by accumulation of lactic acid in your muscles. You also need to replace all the water you will lose through sweating.