Kettlebells have become a staple in every gym because they are versatile, cost effective and can be used by all fitness levels. If you have been faltering on whether or not to buy these for your home workouts, here are four good reasons why everyone needs kettlebells.

1. Build a stronger core and improve balance:

Because kettlebells work on all three planes of movement, they are always forcing your centre of gravity to change during use, it forces your core to stabilize your entire body, building a core that is functionally strong and stable.

2.  Develop Strength and Burn Calories:

Kettlebells are extremely versatile. Depending on the weight and the activity, they run the gamut from strength training to fat burning, and can often be used to work both, for example doing kettle swings.

3.  Increases mobility and flexibility:

Most exercises incorporating kettlebells require moving through a range of motion with control. Over time, this helps strength and stabilise your joints and increase your flexibility.

4. Improve posture and reduce back pain:

Regular use of kettlebells strengthens your rear muscle chain, namely the muscles in your back, bum and the back of your legs. It also strengthens the muscles in your hip, core, shoulders and neck, the total combination of which is vital for improved posture, which helps alleviate back pain.

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