If you experience chronic knee pain you may find it difficult to do a lower-body workout, which means your bum and leg muscles will be neglected.

Here is how to grow your bum without putting any strain on your knees. You can use bands with all the exercises to increase the intensity.

Repeat each exercise at a slow pace for 20 counts.

1. Glute bridge

Lie on your back with your palms and feet flat on the floor. Raise your hips towards the ceiling as high as you can go, squeeze your butt at the top then return to start.

2. Clamshells

Lie on your side with your legs stacked and your knees at ninety degrees. Raise your top knee as wide as you can go, keeping the toes of both feet touching. Squeeze your bum then return to start. Alternate.

3. Donkey kicks

Kneel on all fours with your body completely squared. Lift your right heel toward the ceiling, keeping your foot flat. Repeat for 20 counts then alternate.

4. Hip Thrust

Lie with your upper back on a chair or bench, feet flat on floor and hips low. Raise hips parallel to the ground then lower and repeat.


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