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Has the thought of a new year got you in the mood to get in shape?

A new year often brings with it a fresh start and frame of mind - ideal for making a commitment to get in shape.

Top 4 cheap fitness deals

 Get a fitness tracker

If you've vowed to get fit and healthy for 2016, a fitness, Jawbone UP2 Activity Tracker

, tracker will help you get on track in no time and connect it to your smartphone to monitor your calories, daily goals and sleep duration and quality.

Invest in some new fitness clothing

Kit yourself out with some new running or gym gear for 2016

With the end of season sales upon us now is a great time to invest in some new gym clothing or trainers.

Start building a home gym

Create your very own gym at home with these deals on equipment

So why not forgo the costly gym membership and invest in some home fitness equipment that'll save you cash and time instead?

Begin a healthy eating plan

Slim down with the help of Weight Watchers with this freebie deal