When it comes to losing weight, there are a few misguided facts on how to get desired results. To dispel these myths, I put together some answers to some of the questions most women ask.

Q. Can you lose weight only by doing cardio exercise? A. You cannot eat anything and everything you want and expect to just wash it away with a few sessions of good cardio. Ideally, cardio exercise is good for your heart health. Time spent running, swimming, rowing, aerobics, dancing, walking uphill, brisk walking or jogging keeps your heart health in check while boosting your metabolic reaction.

Losing weight greatly depends with what goes into your mouth. If you seriously want to cut down, your daily intake in terms of calories should always be less than what you burn either through any physical activities or just exercising.

Eat fewer calorie-dense meals while increasing your activity level. This will help you burn more reserved fat in the body. Cardio exercise should come in as a way to keep fit, improve your health in general and not a strategy for losing weight.

You should not be afraid to do weight training. Most women are afraid to lift weights thinking they will bulk up (increase muscle mass). One thing to remember is that only men have the hormone which aid muscle growth - not women. So once in a while remember to try some weight training exercises. Lifting weights, especially light weights, will not also help to improve your body outlook as your body becomes leaner.

Q. Is it true that eating more fruit and veggies can help increase burning fat in the tummy? Nothing will happen not unless you eat less of everything thing else. And when it comes to burning fat, not only are you going to burn fat at the stomach area, but all the other areas as well because fat is evenly distributed throughout the body. So focus more on overall fat loss. Exercises such as crunches and sit ups only help to firm and tone once the underlying fat has been removed.