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How can I get rid of back pain without the need for taking pills?

Back pain is the world’s leading cause of disability luckily there are means of dealing with the problem without using drugs.

Listen to music

It turns out a DJ really can save your life – or at least make it worth living for those with chronic back pain. The music stimulates the release of pain-masking endorphins in the brain. It also helps to alleviate other symptoms associated with back problems, including disability, depression and anxiety.

Sitting up straight

More than one-third of us spend over 10 hours a day sitting, which can play havoc with back muscles. But the common advice to sit up straight could do more harm than good. Researchers monitored patients with back pain sitting slouched, relaxed and upright. Surprisingly, they found that those sitting relaxed put the least strain on their back, while those sitting bolt upright suffered most pain.

Constantly forcing the back muscles into unnatural positions puts excessive strain on the lumbar region. Your body tells you if it’s in discomfort. When you’re relaxed it allows the spine to find its natural position.

Gentle exercise

Even light exercise maintains and strengthens the supporting abdominal muscles which can realign and iron out issues. Swimming is ideal as the water takes the load off your back while strengthening your core, as well as helping to dissipate the pain. Focus on back and front crawl – not breast stroke, which can aggravate existing problems.

Hard mattress

Sleeping on a firm mattress is perhaps one of the most widely-held myths surrounding back pain. In a recent study, orthopedic specialists found that softer mattresses actually offered back pain sufferers the most relief. This is because softer mattresses can place less pressure on the shoulders and hips, allowing people to sleep more naturally.