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The average man lasts six minutes before having an orgasm

With reports warning of a rising obesity epidemic in the UK, the message from a medical perspective is clear - something needs to change.

The associated side effects include high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, gallbladder disease, stroke and osteoarthritis.

All of which may lead to premature death and an impaired quality of life.

However, a recent study by researchers at Erciyes University in Turkey has found one surprising 'plus' to being severely overweight - and it's your sex life which reportedly reaps the benefits.

Titled "Insight on pathogenesis of lifelong premature ejaculation: inverse relationship between lifelong premature ejaculation and obesity," the study's findings seem to point at a correlation between being overweight and stamina.

The female sex hormone oestradiol is thought to play a part

According to the study, the larger men with more stomach fat and a higher BMI could last for an average of 7.3 minutes in bed.

The median time before orgasm is said to be about 6 minutes.

The study also pointed out that "patients with life long PE [premature ejaculation] were leaner than the healthy control cases and the number of the patients decreased as their BMI increased.

The average man is said to last six minutes

As for why this might be, researchers also believe overweight people will have higher levels of the female sex hormone oestradiol.

This causes a chemical imbalance in the body, inhibiting the male orgasm - which means men can last longer.

Though at just one minute 30 seconds longer than average, it's not a particularly amazing benefit