You should wash your pillow every two days after use (Image: Shutterstock)


If you’re like most people, unless you seriously detect a nasty smell or change in color is only then you decide your pillow case needs a wash.

Most people don’t wash pillowcases as often as is required leading to all manner of disgusting things living in your pillow.

Considering you have the closest relationship with your pillow, residual makeup, dirt, sweat and bacteria continue to build up and no matter how clean your face may be, you stand a chance of breaking out or even worsening your allergies.

Here is what you need to know about how often you should toss your pillow case in the washing machine and what happens if you don’t:

Don’t assume it is clean

Failure to regularly change your pillow case for clean ones is setting up your face to a number of nasties. If you suffer from unexpected pimples, then your dirty pillow case may be the cause.

And no matter how clean it may look on the surface it may be hiding dirt that may lead to acne causing bacteria.

Your hair plays a huge role

The reason why pillow cases are vile and likened to a mop or toilet seat is because of the bacteria, dead skin and product buildup they get from your face and mostly hair.

Due to residue from hair products and environmental elements, these get transferred to your pillow case where they accumulate and begin to cause problems to your skin.

Wash your hair weekly and use a silk head scarf or bonnet to minimize contact with your pillow.

It can get moldy

The thought of this alone should scare you straight. Just because you can’t see it your pillow is full of bodily fluids like sweat and drool.

When you sleep on your side, chances are your mouth will open and you will be sleeping in a damp pool of drool.

And as the temperatures fluctuate through the night, the sweat will seep into your pillow case and beddings.

As it continues to build up, the dampness on your beddings and mattress may lead to a type of mold to grow called Cladosporium. It may lead to fungal infections, asthma and pneumonia in extreme cases.

Dust mites

Well, if that didn’t scare you then this should. A consequence of not washing your pillow case is the infestation of dust mites.

According to a studies, some allergies are as a result of proteins found in decomposed dust mites. They have also been found to make eczema symptoms worse.

When to wash?

Considering all that gross stuff you need to change your pillow case often. Because you handle it with your hands and it’s against your face and dirty hair every day, you should wash your pillow case every two days after use.

Wash your beddings regularly as well and give the mattress some time to aerate especially if your bedroom is damp.