There are some healthy ways of keeing your immunity high and your skin glowing (Shutterstock)

Good health equals beautiful skin. It really is that simple- healthy body, glowing skin. With our busy schedules and a million health and beauty regimes out there, it becomes difficult to choose what will be less time consuming and more beneficial.

Good news is, there are some healthy ways of keeping your immunity high and your skin glowing without necessarily doing the most. All you need to do is spare some time to take care of your body otherwise your body will not take care of you. Your health determines how productive you are and how well you are able to function.

So, as much as your work means everything to you, you need to take some time off and take care of your health first as without it, it becomes difficult to sustain the very job or family that’s keeping you so busy.

That said, we look at some beauty tips that will also improve your health.

i.Sleep well

Your body needs some good sleep and so does your skin. You need at least 7-8 hours of sleep a day in order to have your body well rested.

Lack of adequate sleep is the main reason why you could be having dark circles on your eyes. Enough rest on the other hand makes you look fresh and it shows in your skin.

Also, when you sleep, your body repairs damaged body tissue and this is critical for your health. Sleeping well can also prevents weight gain, heart diseases amongst other body issues.

ii.Eat well

It’s important to ensure that you are having a balanced diet at every meal. Unfortunately, with busy schedules, we find fast foods as the most convenient meals. But at the end of the day, these foods have severe effects on our health and skin. The body needs the necessary nutrients to remain healthy and well nourished, you should always remember that you are what you eat.

 You need to spare some time to take care of your body (Shutterstock)


Water is very important for your skin and health and this doesn’t include the coffee or juice you took in the morning. Water helps to keep the body and skin hydrated and help eliminate toxins in the bodies.


Sweat it out. Sweating is a great way of removing toxins from the body, particularly the skin. Other than helping you sweat, exercising also helps one watch their weight and prevent diseases such as heart diseases, high blood pressure and high blood sugar amongst others.


Sunscreen helps prevent your skin from absorbing harmful sun rays which can cause skin cancer. Ensure to use a sunscreen of spf 50 and above every day and also reapply if you will be exposed to the sun for long periods of time.

vi.Coconut water

Coconut milk is parked with very many nutrients that our body and skin needs. It contains electrolytes which help the body remain well moisturized and hydrated. Coconut water is also considered a good drink for diabetic people and it can also help prevents kidney stones.