Keep the diaper area dry

It is crucial to keep the diaper area dry to prevent the growth of bacteria and yeast. Use a soft cloth to wipe the area clean and allow it to air dry before putting on a new diaper.

Apply diaper rash cream

Using a diaper rash cream can help to soothe the skin and reduce the symptoms of diaper rash. Look for creams that contain zinc oxide, which acts as a barrier between the skin and the diaper, preventing further irritation.

Consult a paediatrician

If the diaper rash does not clear up within a few days, it is advisable to consult a paediatrician. They may prescribe a medicated cream or ointment to help clear up the rash.

Dr Jennifer Shu, a paediatrician and author, says, "Diaper rash can be a sign of a yeast infection, which can cause red, bumpy skin in the diaper area. If the rash is persistent and does not clear up with over-the-counter treatments, it is important to see a paediatrician for a proper diagnosis."

In conclusion, diaper rash is a common condition that can affect babies, but with the right care and attention, it can be easily treated. Regular diaper changes, use of mild soaps, keeping the diaper area dry, and applying a diaper rash cream are some of the steps parents can take to alleviate the symptoms and prevent further outbreaks.

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