Horticulture farms exploiting youths

By Leonard Maina | Jul 02, 2016

There are many unscrupulous employers who violate the rights of employees with impunity. This country has labour laws which protect the rights of an employee.

Unscrupulous employers take the advantage of joblessness and poverty to blatantly exploit our youths. Glaring examples exist of youths who are hired with no appointment letters and no job description. In most cases they are hired as casuals with meagre pay. They are not allowed to join trade unions, leave alone being members of National Hospital Insurance Fund and National Social Security Fund.

I have in mind some horticulture farms in Timau. Apart from poor remuneration, workers are subjected to very poor working conditions.

Workers who spray crops are exposed to highly dangerous chemicals as they are not given protective gear. Those who fall sick are sacked without any compensation or benefits.

The idea of contracting casual labourer’s year in year out beats the purpose of permanent employment.

The Government must crack down on such unscrupulous employers. We cannot allow colonial mentality to creep back into Kenya after 50 years of independence.

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