Widow's attempt to exhume body flops

Rift Valley
By Gilbert Kimutai | May 04, 2020

Nancy Mitei and her son Emmanuel Kibet dig the grave of her late husband at Kipkebe village in Bomet Central. [Gilbert Kimutai, Standard]

A woman and her 20-year-old son will be charged in court for attempting to exhume the body of her late husband over a land dispute.

Bomet Central Sub-County Police Commander Musa Omari said once investigations are complete, Nancy Mitei and her son will appear before a Bomet court.

In a dramatic incident at Kipkebe village in Bomet Central, Ms Mitei is said to have stormed her mother-in-law’s homestead armed with a hoe and a spade.

The public watched in disbelief as she and her son dug up the grave. Attempts by relatives to talk her out of her action fell on deaf ears.

Her husband died in 2013 after an illness. They had separated but she was allowed to take part in the burial.

The woman claimed the relatives were blocking her from occupying her late husband’s land.

She said some of the relative had gone ahead and shared the land among themselves, locking her out of the property.

Samwel Chepkwony, a family member, said the woman and her son have already received their share of land but wanted more.

“They have been given their share but she wants more land claiming she was short-changed,” Chepkwony said.

Her attempts to exhume the body were thwarted by the police from Silibwet Police Station.

Despite the presence of police officers in riot gear, Mitei continued digging the grave, saying it was her right.

Police forced her out of the grave and took her away together with the son.

She told The Standard that her attempts to bury her husband in their share of land were ignored on grounds that they had separated. “They only allowed me to take part in the burial ceremony and now they are denying us his share of the family land,” she said.

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