How well do you know Prof Kindiki Kithure?

By Raymond Muthee | Jul 10, 2023
Interior CS Kithure Kindiki. [Jenipher Wachie, Standard]

Prof Kindiki Kithure is a distinguished academic and politician. He has earned a prominent place in both worlds.

As a professor of law, Prof Kindiki has displayed a deep understanding of legal principles, imparting his knowledge to numerous students and contributing to legal scholarship.

He has served in the Senate between the years 2013 and 2017. During the political campaigns leading up to the 2022 General Elections, he quickly rose to fame as the most probable running mate for President William Ruto, alongside Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

Prof Kindiki is currently the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration.

How well do you know Prof Kindiki Kithure? Take this test to find out.

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