Mudavadi to represent President Ruto at Mnangagwa's swearing-in

By David Njaaga | Sep 02, 2023
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi. [Edward Kiplimo,Standard]

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi will travel to Harare, Zimbabwe, on Sunday, September 3, to attend the inauguration of President-elect Emmerson Mnangagwa on behalf of President William Ruto.

Mudavadi's Director, Press Service, Salim Swaleh, said in a statement that Kenya is committed to strengthening its ties with Zimbabwe.

"Kenya remains steadfast in its commitment to strengthen the long-standing relationship it shares with the government and the people of the Republic of Zimbabwe," Swaleh said.

He added that Mudavadi will convey President Ruto's congratulations to Mnangagwa, who won a second term in office in the August 29 election.

Mnangagwa faced a strong challenge from opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, who rejected the results as fraudulent and vowed to challenge them in court.

President Ruto praised the people of Zimbabwe for peacefully exercising their democratic right and reaffirmed Kenya's support for Zimbabwe's development.

Mnangagwa, 80, won 52.6 per cent of the vote, while Chamisa, 45, received 44 per cent, according to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission.

The election was marred by allegations of intimidation and irregularities by international observers, who raised concerns over the activities of a ruling party affiliate organisation called Forever Associates of Zimbabwe that reportedly collected details of voters at polling stations.

Mnangagwa appealed for peace and unity as he starts his final term. He also addressed his 10 presidential competitors and said that those who feel the race was not run properly should know where to go to complain.

He claimed that the election was run peacefully, transparently and fairly in broad daylight.

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