Man murders wife, son two weeks after marriage

By James Omoro | Oct 06, 2023
A prison warder attached to Kisii Main Prison carries handcuffs at the facility. [Sammy Omingo, Standard]

Shock and grief have engulfed a village in Homa Bay after a man allegedly killed his wife and two-year-old son.

The body of 23-year-old Michel Awuor and her son were found lying on the floor of their house at Kodwar B village, Kodumo East Sub-location in Rachuonyo East Sub-county with deep cuts.

The incident occurred barely two weeks after the suspect and Awuor got married.

Awuor's body had deep machete cuts on her neck and head. The son also had a deep machete wound.

The bodies were discovered by Awuor's mother-in-law who became suspicious after the deceased stayed in her house longer than usual.

According to Kodumo East Sub-location Assistant Chief Denis Abong'o, the suspect's family said the couple did not show any form of disagreement on Thursday. They claimed they were still enjoying their honeymoon after their marriage.

"The family says the couple did not show any signs of disagreement prior to the murder incident. They ate supper and went to sleep as usual but people were shocked by this bizarre incident," Abong'o said.

Abong'o said no one heard any commotion on Thursday night or Friday morning.

It is suspected that the man first locked the door before he committed the ordeal.

Upon committing the incident, the suspect disappeared to an unknown place.

The motive behind the murders remains a mystery.

Abong'o added that this is the second murder incident that the suspect has committed in his family. He said the suspect killed his brother two years ago.

"Two years ago, the suspect was assaulting his mother but when his brother went to restrain him, he murdered the brother. He was arrested and detained for some time before he returned home," Abong'o said.

Homa Bay County Police Commander Samson Kinne said they have launched a manhunt for the suspect.

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