MP Njeri Maina calls on government to honour sanitary towels pledge

By Stephanie Wangari | Oct 04, 2023
Kirinyaga Women Representative Jane Njeri Maina. [David Njaaga, Standard]

Kirinyaga Woman Representative Njeri Maina has called on the government to honour its pledge of providing free sanitary towels to all school going girls.

Njeri, while addressing her colleagues in parliament, expressed the need for the sanitary towels in a bid to keep girls in school.

"Sanitary towels are still a pressing concern for women in Kirinyaga County. As Women Representatives, we have exhausted our personal finances by ensuring that we buy sanitary towels so that girls can go back to school," said Njeri.

A total of Sh940 million was allocated for sanitary towels in the approved budget for the Financial Year 2023/24.

Njeri now wants Gender Cabinet Secretary Aisha Jumwa and her Education counterpart Ezekiel Machogu to explain what is causing the delay in distribution of the funds.

"We must be told by the two Cabinet Secretaries where the Sh 940 million for sanitary towels is, we need the sanitary towels as soon as yesterday. I want to urge this house to take it as a matter of urgency," she added.

In April, a section of Women Representatives met Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu and raised concern on the distribution of sanitary towels where the ministries are tasked with the mandate.

The MPs noted that the method was not effective saying some needy girls were no benefitting.

"The distribution of these sanitary towels has gone from bad to worse. Here in Kiambu we have not seen any of them. My request to you CS is please allow the office of the Woman Representative to distribute these towels to ensure all girls benefit from the initiative," Kiambu Woman Representative Ann Muratha said.

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