MPs want government to create mobile passport issuance offices

By Stephanie Wangari | Sep 04, 2023
The House Committee on administration and security Chairman Gabriel Tongoyo speaks after a fact finding mission at Immigration office, Nyayo House, on Monday, September 4. [Jonah Onyango, Standard]

Members of Parliament have challenged the government to have mobile passport issuance offices across the country so that Kenyans can easily access the document.

The MPs from the Departmental Committee on Administration and Security made the recommendation after a fact-finding visit to Nyayo House (that hosts the Immigration headquarters) on Monday.

Additionally, the Committee Chairman Gabriel Tongoyo wants the Immigration office to retain a portion of revenue generated by the Directorate to fund booklets and other recurrent expenses to forestall another backlog.

"Once the resources have been availed, the printer is made available and the working force is there, they can be able to do the printing of passports without any problem," said Tongoyo.

Tongonyo has also expressed optimism that the procurement of additional printers will boost the printing capacity and reduce the backlog currently being witnessed.

"The ongoing procurement of additional two printers will boost the printing capacity to over 5,000 passports thereby making it possible to issue the document within seven days on application," he said.

On his part, Immigration Principal Secretary Julius Bitok disclosed that the revenue raised from passports had risen from Sh 14 billion to around Sh 20 billion.

The surge is as a result of the many applications by Kenyans seeking foreign jobs and further studies abroad.

"The government is working to cut down on the waiting time for new passports to as low as three days with more investments in printing equipment," Bitok said.

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