Kidero: Wanjiru is favoured

By - | Dec 22, 2012


Former Mumias Sugar Chief executive officer Evans Kidero has claimed his party, ODM, is favouring Housing Assistant minister Margret Wanjiru in the Nairobi gubernatorial race.

He described Wanjiru as one with no managerial credentials.

 “Some leaders of the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy are bent on forcing down their members’ throats the candidacy of one who has no business credentials to speak of, and no development track record,” Kidero said in a statement.

On the other hand, Kidero described himself as a business heavyweight who turned Mumias Sugar Company, Nation Media Group, and GlaxoSmithkline into hugely profitable success stories.

Early this week, Wanjiru who is also the Starehe lawmaker, said the ODM hierarchy in the city politics must display the face of Kenya and called for her nomination.

 “I have the numbers to win free and fair party primaries in Nairobi when it comes to that,” she said.

However, yesterday Kidero dismissed her calls and insisted all candidates must face the electorate in free and fair party nominations.

 “As Musalia Mudavadi recently found out, politicians who want to be selected unopposed in smoky backrooms will often incur the anger of their constituents,” he said.

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