Common fashion mistakes you should stop making

Business Unusual
By Esther Muchene | May 10, 2022
There is a very thin line between looking fashionable and tacky (Photo: Courtesy)

Style and fashion are concepts that are subjective. There is no direct formula of what you should wear because everyone has their own taste.

In the past couple of years, we’ve seen a fashion revolution where people aren’t afraid to create their own signature look. If you’re able to pull off even the craziest outfits you might as well go ahead and be confident while you’re at it.

However, we can’t ignore those fundamentals that make any type of style look good. Also on the flipside, there are certain things that are considered fashion mishaps like the ones below:

  • Combining too many logos

We get it, you can afford designer. But do you have to wear them all at once? The truth is, it does not look cute.

If you have on an Adidas shirt, Nike sneakers, a Fendi bag and Tommy Hilfiger hat all at the same time, it becomes a bit too much. The only way this can look good is if the logos are hidden, otherwise you will end up looking shady.

  • Wearing overly high-waist items

High-waist items are a nice way to highlight your best features. This trend gives the illusion of a small waistline and it basically suits almost every body type.

Still, it’s possible to look disproportional if the item is way too high, like too close to the bust area. It can shorten your frame and look awkward which unfortunately is a fashion mistake a lot of women commit.

Whenever you’re wearing something high-waist, make sure it lies at the right point of your torso.

You don't have to mix all your accessories and colours at the same time (Photo: Courtesy)
  • Wearing the wrong bra

Undergarments aren’t meant to be exposed for everyone to see unless it’s an intentional style. They are supposed to be that detail that makes your outfit pop.

At some point though, many of us have been guilty of either wearing the wrong size or the wrong type of bra with a certain outfit.

If you want to look well put together, this is something that you should pay attention to. Get the correct measurements that will look good and give you proper support, and invest in different types of bras like the multiway bra which won’t expose the straps and ruin your outfit.

  • Picking outfits with huge patterns

Huge patterns don’t look good on anyone to be honest. If you have a petite frame, it overwhelms your figure and if you’re on the fuller side, it can make you look wide in an unflattering way.

Patterns can look cute so if you’re not sure, always go with the smaller ones. They have a classier vibe to them and they suit every frame.

  • Wearing jeans with awkward pockets

Jeans can be a very tricky thing to wear. Although we have tons of styles to choose from, many of them don’t actually look flattering when you put them on the wrong way.

If you want to know whether a pair looks good on you, look at the back pockets. The distance between them shouldn’t be too wide and they shouldn’t be too big or too small. Checking these details will help you pick the right jeans for your body type.

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