Kenyan boxers oozing with confidence as they depart for India

By Ben Ahenda | Mar 12, 2023
Featherweight Pauline Chege (left) with her instructor Coach Benjamin Musa training at Mathare Police Depot, Nairobi, ahead of Women World Championship. [Jonah Onyango, Standard]

With no injuries, morale remains high in the camp as the national women's boxing team prepares to depart for India today for the World Boxing Championships that boxes-off in New Delhi on Wednesday.

The tournament, set to run for two weeks, ends on March 31.

New call up featherweight Pauline Chege, a Kenya Defence Forces pugilist who's trying to get her bearing and footing in the national and international arena said she can't wait to make her debut at the global showpiece.

Based on her preparation, she is determined to match or even surpass the achievements of former national female champions.

"We have been taught a few basic techniques by our coaches, which on application could make us win matches and progress well in this tournament this time," Chege told Standard Sports.

She said the new skills learnt are what coaches have been putting into practise during their final training sessions for them to acquaint themselves before real action starts.

"Coaches have been working round the clock so that we get acquainted with the new skills so that we could put them into action at the global championships," said Chege.

Hit Squad boxers Lorna Kusa (left) and Coach Joseph Kimani 'Kim' training at Mathare Police Depot, Nairobi, ahead of Women World Championship. [Jonah Onyango, Standard]

Flyweight Emily Juma admitted that the (training) sessions have been at a higher level compared in the past to ensure they easily beat their opponents.

"We have had all the time to be taught on how to counter attacks from our aggressive opponents. We cannot say we are at the peak but that will be known by the results we achieve at the end of the tournament," she said.

A squad of 11 boxers training under the tutelage of three coaches have been training at Mathare Police Depot for the past two months in readiness for the tournament.

The technical bench is led by head coach Musa Benjamin and his two deputies David Munuhe and John Waweru.

Bantamweight Amina Martha said she is equally ready to make an impressive debut at the upcoming event.

"The morale in the camp is unmeasurable," said Martha.

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