Koyonzo, Kwanthanze, and Nyamira Girls demonstrate Kenya's might in East Africa

Unique Sports
By Washington Onyango | Aug 29, 2023
Kwanthanze from the coast celebrate after winning the girls volleyball during the National Secondary school games at Nakuru High school on September 12,2022.[Kipsang Joseph,Standard

In the grand arena of the Federation of East Africa Secondary School Sports Association games held in the picturesque landscape of Rwanda, it was a tale of triumphant underdogs defying expectations that painted the canvas of Kenya's journey.

As the dust settled and the echoes of cheers resonated through the air, three unlikely champions emerged - Koyonzo Secondary, Namwela Secondary, and Nyamira Girls - each shouldering their disciplines with unyielding determination, ultimately propelling Kenya to a remarkable second-place finish.

Well, we cannot forget Kwanthanze Secondary's seventh volleyball girls' East African title as well as gold medals in tennis, badminton and athletics.

In the realm of rugby sevens, where brawn and strategy entwine, it was the unsung heroes of Koyonzo Secondary School who etched their legacy.

Their unbridled energy and precision on the pitch sent shockwaves, sweeping aside rivals who had underestimated their vigour.

With every powerful surge and perfectly executed pass, they maneuvered through challenges with finesse to win their maiden East Africa rugby sevens title, a title that eluded them last year in Tanzania where they won silver. Koyonzo hammered Vihiga High 21-0 in the finals.

Koyonzo Secondary School celebrates with the East Africa rugby sevens title.[Courtesy]

Meanwhile, Kwanthanze Secondary's girls exhibited a symphony of athleticism and grace.

Their synchronised movement, each leap a testament to their dedication, reverberated like a harmony that resonated through the courts.

With every spike and serve, they carved a narrative of resilience, toppling opposition with an audacity that belied their status as seven-time East African champions.

Their presence was an embodiment of the adage that true champions emerge not from the shadows of favourites, but from the crucible of adversity.

In a repeat of national games volleyball finals staged in Kakamega early this month, Kwanthanze got a perfect chance for revenge after the Trans Nzoia gold medalists Kesogon dethroned them in the country's girls' volleyball title. Kwathanze won 3-2.

In hockey, where precision and finesse dance upon the icy battleground, Nyamira Girls emerged as the Cinderella story that warmed hearts and stirred spirits.

With each stroke of the stick, they painted a tapestry of skill and determination on the frosty canvas. Their victories were a testament to the unyielding belief that determination knows no bounds.

Nyamira Girls players and coaches celebrate after winning their maiden East Africa hockey title in Rwanda.[Courtesy]

Nyamira Girls displayed that the dreams of underdogs, when fueled by passion, can shatter even the coldest barriers.

As the dust settled over the East Africa games, the collective achievements of Koyonzo Secondary, Kwanthanze Secondary, Namwela, and Nyamira Girls had propelled Kenya to higher heights.

In a celebration of triumph over odds, they underscored the essence of sportsmanship - the belief that regardless of stature, the heart, tenacity, and unrelenting will to excel can catapult underdogs to claim their rightful place in the annals of victory.

The journey of these triumphant spirits serves as an inspiration to us all, a testament to the power of dreams and the courage to defy expectations.

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