We will not participate in charade poll – FKF Presidential aspirants vow

By Robert Abong'o | Sep 01, 2020

Former FKF President Sam Nyamweya during a media briefing in Nairobi over yesterday's FKF branch elections terming the exercise as a complete sham following the suspension of all public gatherings for 30days by the government. Picture taken on March 15, 2020. [Jonah Onyango, Standard]

“Only a fool does the same thing many times expecting different results,” said an irritated Sam Nyamweya, as he led other FKF presidential aspirants in rubbishing the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) electoral process. 

Nyamweya, flanked by Twaha Mbarak and former CECAFA Secretary-General Nicholas Musonye, addressed the press in Nairobi on Tuesday where they lamented the manner the ="https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/sports/football/2001382122/fkf-electoral-board-releases-calendar-and-guidelines-for-upcoming-elections">FKF Electoral Board has handled the upcoming elections<.

They have vowed not to participate in the forthcoming elections slated for October 17 terming it a charade and have asked the FKF Electoral Board led by Communications expert Kentice Tikolo to put its house in order. 

Nyamweya blasted the FKF Electoral board for violating the Constitution, especially the Sports Disputes Tribunal and the Sports Act 2013. This he says damages the credibility of the whole process. 

The ex-football boss gave several reasons why he thought the current FKF Electoral Board is not fit to handle elections.  

“This is a serious matter. The reasons why we are rejecting this election in total is:

  • The bonafide FKF member clubs in counties have been denied the right to participate in elections without any evidence
  • The Sports Disputes Tribunal (SDT) declared the process unconstitutional and in violation of the Constitution. The FKF electoral code cannot be applicable in the FKF election unless changed to ensure compliance. 
  • FKF Electoral Board has against SDT’s ruling gone ahead to use the same electoral code to prepare voter register and list candidate. This renders the whole process null and void. 
  • FKF Electoral Board lacks independence as it carries out its duties from FKF House. 
  • FKF Electoral Board has refused to adhere to the Sports Act 2013, where gender balance is required in all positions
  • Sports Registrar must be respected by virtue of her office. Registrar is the regulator and custodian of all sports organisations in the country. 

Former President FKF Sam Nyamweya (left) and Bandari FC Board of Trustee member Twaha Mbarak follow proceedings as Sports Dispute Tribunal deliver a landmark ruling on a case relating to Football Kenya Federation (FKF) elections via a video link in Nairobi, on Tuesday, March 17, 2020. [Jonah Onyango, Standard]

“The FKF Electoral Board must therefore resign to allow for reconstitution in accordance with the law. This charade by the electoral board must be stopped to ensure credibility,” said Nyamweya. 

Nyamweya also lamented the quick issuance of certificates to candidates after submission of nomination papers, which he says need a lot of time. 

“These elections have been nullified twice because of irregularities. We could not present documents yesterday because of the irregularities we singled out before. We cannot participate in an election that is not clearly convened. We cannot break rules for the sake of participating in the election. We are uncomfortable with the electoral process to elect new officials in the FKF,” said Musonye.

He outlined the group would only comply to participate in the forthcoming election if the whole process was free and fair. 

“It is unconstitutional and blatantly violates basic expectations of the democratic process. FIFA has promised to come and streamline the matter, they have not done so, instead, they have told FKF to proceed with elections, with the electoral board being in a hurry to ensure this process is done and completed without following due process."

"We are not going to participate in this exercise until all the regulations are clear. We don’t want stakeholders who have been violated to be left out. If the process is free and fair, we will accept,” he added. 


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