Patience pays for Kenyan juniors: Under-20 athletes ooze class, lead in global rankings

Celliphine Chespol Celebrates winning gold in women's 3000m steeplechase with CS Rashid Echesa and assistant team manager John Kimetto on July 13, 2018 in Tampere Finland. [Dennis Okeyo, Standard]

After years of wait, it’s time to bask in world glory

Patience, determination and focus played a pivotal role as Kenya finished tops at the end of the World Under-20 Championships in Tampere, Finland.

It took the Kenyan juniors eight years of nothing but utter agony for them to emerge tops in the global showpiece bagging six gold, four silver and one bronze medals.

The last time they led the boards was in Moncton, Canada, in 2010 with seven gold, four silver and four bronze.

Slowly, but surely, the youngsters mastered the ways of their opponents. Slowly they trailed them. In the midst of the three championships (it’s a biennial event), some grew weary and fell.

To others, the battle was too stiff and hot, they quit. But to the lionhearted, they soldiered on like real champions. After all, the Igbo people from south-central and southeastern Nigeria say that; “Always being in a hurry does not prevent death, neither does going slowly prevent living...

They had been patient enough. It was time to attract happiness and bring near that which is far; the world title.

Jamaica were second with four gold, five silver and three bronze medals, while United States placed third with three gold, eight silver and seven bronze.

Ethiopia finished fourth with three gold, two silver and four bronze.

On the final day of the five-day action, the Kenyans displayed a thrilling performance at the global arena that attracted a total of 1,466 top Under-20 athletes from 160 nations.

Their exploits drew great admiration from sections of Kenyans, including President Uhuru Kenyatta and Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Rashid Echesa.

“Congratulations #TeamKenya for an exemplary performance at the IAAF World U20 Championships in Tampere, Finland. #IAAFworlds,” Kenyatta posted on his Twitter handle.

“It’s official, it is a proud moment for Kenya to have topped the table at the 2018 IAAF World Under-20 Championships. The team has made us proud winning six gold medals four silver and one bronze medal. #IAAFWorldU20,” wrote Echesa.

Kenya’s first feat was in 2000 in Santiago, Chile, where they led with 14 medals (seven gold, four silver and three bronze).

In Beijing’s Championships in 2006, the middle and long distance powerhouse topped the world with 15 medals (six gold, seven silver and two bronze).

Kenya has stepped up her bid to stage the 2020 event.

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