When MPS team declined to meet FKF bosses

Date contract signed: March 2015
Full amount of contract: US$2m (Sh202 million)
Period of contract: Three years
Television broadcaster: Azam TV of Tanzania
Amount MP & Silva has paid FKF: US$833,000 (Sh80,120,436)

The marketing firm contracted by Football Kenya Federation (FKF) in March to sell broadcast rights for FKF Premier League, MP & Silva, has recently declined a meeting with their partners.

This has escalated the already deteriorating relations between the partners. An angry exchange took place on may 21 between MPS Africa representative, Andrea F Silva and FKF President, Sam Nyamweya. Silva wrote: “Unfortunately we are unable to attend a meeting with you before the second week of June due to our travel schedules.

“However, we do need first to have your written response to the proposal we already sent you on May 13, otherwise we see no basis for a meeting either in person or on the phone. Once we receive such communication, we will be happy to go ahead with a conference or video call.”

But the FKF boss shot back: “Are you telling us that you do not want to meet me and you are not sending us money? Pls clarify because we have a contract and I am getting impatient.”

“You promised that we were meeting in Zurich and you have changed your mind,” said the FKF boss.

But the MPS man answered: “Do not ask me “why”. I am not going to Zurich and I do not remember I said so. If I did pls accept my apologies, but I am not going to Zurich. I am going to the USA and I will be back in June.

We may meet the second week of June in Kigali as I have to go there. In any case you can easily reply to the whole team without problems. With whom did you “agree” to meet in Zurich? Did you not propose Amsterdam in your letter?”

FKF boss replied: I spoke to you and you told me you will be in Zurich. I am wondering which games we are playing. I have been very patient and I think soon, I will tell the whole world if I am pushed to the wall.

I was warned not to deal with MP Silva, but I trusted you now you want to make me look rubbish. It is ok.”

MPS boss answered: “I told you I might have gone to Zurich. Non of us is going. I am sorry...”

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