Tame rampant graft in public sector, SDA professionals tells State

Rift Valley
By Peter Ochieng | Apr 03, 2024
Lawyer PLO Lumumba (center), former South Mugirango MP Omingo Magara, former Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) Chairperson Sarah Serem.

The Government has been challenged to move with speed and contain run-away graft that has permeated the public sector if the country’s economy is to recover.

Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) professionals said the vice was negating gains made in building the economy.

Lawyer PLO Lumumba, former South Mugirango MP Omingo Magara, former Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) Chairperson Sarah Serem and Greater Rift Valley Conference President Christopher Misoi among others were speaking at Eldoret National Polytechnic during a forum organised by SDA professionals drawn from the North Rift region.

“The fight against corruption should not be left to bodies tasked to fight the vice alone, but it should involve all Kenyans of goodwill if the country is expected to grow economically in all spheres of social and economic development,” said Lumumba.

“We have converged as professionals and members of the church and would like to raise concern over rising graft cases, the main reason for this meeting is to talk with our members who are also stakeholders in various institutions to be in the forefront in the fight against corruption,” he added.

Lumumba said most government agencies are run by professionals and wondered ="https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/national/article/2001492230/kenyans-paid-more-bribes-in-2023-than-other-years-survey">why graft is rampant<.

Magara argued that if the trend continues, citizens may be denied the right to benefit from public resources in terms of development.

He asked the government to arrest and prosecute those found engaging in corrupt deals saying failure to which, will derail the country economically.

“The fight against corruption should not be left to the government alone, we must all come out and say no to corruption, we must believe in doing the right thing at all times,” he said.

“We are here at the Eldoret National Polytechnic because the management has put the institution in order, they have shown Kenyans that they are capable and that is what we want our people to do, Kenya is among the best countries in terms of democracy, peace and tourism so let’s just rectify the mistakes,” he added.

Prof Misoi and Serem said the meeting is a sign of good things to come saying the ="https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001339266/senior-church-men-quizzed-over-murder-claim#google_vignette">SDA church< has been at the forefront advocating for good governance.

“We are not going to sit and watch as the country goes the wrong direction, the country needs changes and the president should put his house in order, let him kick out those who are not ready to work and give chance to the correct people, we love our country but some individuals are out there to enrich themselves,” said Misoi

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