KUJ condemns journalists' attack during NACADA Shisha raid

By Fred Kagonye | Jan 06, 2024
KUJ Secretary General Erick Oduor. 

The Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ) has condemned an attack on journalists who had accompanied the National Authority for Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) staff for a raid on Shisha joints on Friday night.

“We condemn this unwarranted ="https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/nairobi/article/2001488424/journalists-attacked-during-nacada-raid-at-popular-nairobi-joint">violence against the journalists< and demand that punitive action must be taken against these criminals in line with the law,” said KUJ Secretary General Erick Oduor in a statement.

The attack saw two journalists stabbed while others sustained minor injuries and had equipment destroyed at the Kettle House Bar and Grill located in Lavington, Nairobi.

Oduor described the attack as ‘barbaric’ while calling for action to be taken against the ="https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/nairobi/article/2001488434/bouncers-who-attacked-journalists-police-during-raid-to-face-law-nacada">attackers<.

“These barbaric acts have no place in a civilised society like Kenya and we count on law enforcers to hold the owner of the night club liable for the damages and injuries the journalists sustained during the ugly incident,” he said.

Oduor said that journalists have the right to serve the society where public interest matters are concerned and that they cannot be stopped using violence.

“We call on police, especially the Officer Commanding Kileleshwa Police Station where some suspects in connection with the attacks are being held to ensure journalists get justice.”


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