Kenya's basketball team beat Tanzania at Inter-Parliamentary games

By Standard Sports | Dec 17, 2023
Kenyan legislators line up before playing Tanzania in a basketball match at the EAC Inter-Parliamentary games in Kigali, Rwanda on December 15, 2023. [Parliament Media]

Kenya's team kept up its winning momentum as the men's basketball team beat Tanzania 53-40 in the ongoing East Africa Community Inter-Parliamentary games in Kigali, Rwanda.

In what was a highly charged and exhilarating game, Kenya kept their momentum throughout the four quarters. By the second quarter Kenya was leading 23 to 19.

Amidst the cheering and jubilation of the legislators led by the Speaker of the Senate Amason Kingi and fans alike, Kenya displayed great prowess, skill and strategic defensive and offensive play.

Mule Caleb Mutiso, Danson Mungatana, David Wakoli, Elly Letipila and Japheth Nyakundi were the start performers for Kenya in the match.

It was a poor outing though for the women team as they lost 57-9 to Uganda in the matches played on Friday.

In volleyball, the Kenyans men’s team kept up their winning streak as they beat Tanzania in straight sets in the match also played on Friday.

The Kenyans won 25-20, 25-9 and 25-14 with former Kenyan international Dan Wanyama and Alfred Mutai leading the attack.

In netball, Kenya lost 50-5 to Tanzania.

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