Moment of glory: Finally, the long wait is almost over for Stars

By Sammy Kitula | Oct 15, 2018
Harambee Stars players celebrate after 3-0 victory against Ethopia.

The long wait is finally over; well, almost.

Fourteen years - that’s how long Kenyans and the national football team, Harambee Stars, have had to wait to bag a ticket to Africa’s numero uno football tournament, the Africa Cup of Nations.

With the memorable 3-0 victory over Ethiopia yesterday, the result all but assured Kenya of a spot in next year’s Afcon tournament.

The Swahili people say that patience attracts happiness; that it brings near that which is far.

Patience has no doubt been fundamental in Harambee Stars’ 14-year campaign.

The last time Kenya took part in the biennial football extravaganza - in 2004 - striker Michael Olunga, who is now 24, was a Standard Four pupil at Babadogo Primary School in Nairobi.

And the last time Kenyans kicked a ball at the 2004 Afcon tournament in Tunisia, Mwai Kibaki was two years into his presidency, Kenyan conservationist Wangari Mathai won the Nobel Peace Prize and Palestinian political leader Yasser Arafat was laid to rest.

Yes, that’s how long Kenyans have had to wait for this moment. In all the previous futile campaigns, the national team, their fans and anyone who professes patriotism, have been left with nothing but tears, broken hearts and unfulfilled promises.

Players would put on a brave face as they walked stoically off the field but in truth, they were hurting inside. They knew they had failed Kenya yet again.

Unforgiving time

For them it was always an unforgiving time. Pure torture that any player would not wish on anyone, not even their worst enemies.

Up to now, Harambee Stars’ constant failures have been the norm; near-misses have been a perpetual reminder of how close we (read football fans) have come to qualifying. In all, it has been a tale bordering on the mediocre.

From stories of constant squabbling, dishonesty, ineptitude from officials and an insatiable hunger for personal gain, the national team has really been to hell and back.

Fans have become accustomed to mortification and endless indignity when in truth, the monkey tricks that have been on display with each Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers season could have easily been turned into a blockbuster.

The events have been akin to a roller-coaster ride that has at the same time been enthralling.

For far too long, the football gods were undisturbed as the cries of let down Kenyans rent the air.

They were somewhat indifferent - but all that changed yesterday.

Finally, the football gods heard the cries of battle-weary football fans.

Faced with a must-win fixture against Ethiopia in the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations at the Kasarani Stadium yesterday, Harambee Stars gave Kenyans a reason to rediscover the swell of pride that comes from supporting a team of winners.

National pride was evident as thousands celebrated the deserved conquest against the visiting Walya Antelopes and the result all but assured Kenya of a spot in next year’s event in Cameroon (pending Fifa’s decision on Sierra Leone’s ban). The hugs and wide smiles from Harambee Stars players after the match told it all.

They had toiled for the victory. Fans on the terraces were not to be left behind - they too, enjoyed warm embraces and, in some instances, some even kissed. Yes, it felt that good.

Thank you too, to the football gods who turned a listening ear after a long time of neglect.


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