President Bio says leaders responsible for military barracks attack arrested

By Xinhua | Nov 27, 2023

An incident site where some unidentified individuals attempted to break into the military armory at Wilberforce Barracks in Freetown, Sierra Leone on Nov 26, 2023. [Xinhua]

Sierra Leonean President Julius Maada Bio said late Sunday that all the leaders involved in an earlier attack on major military barracks in Freetown, the country's capital, have been arrested.

In a national address, Bio said the attackers had been repelled by a combined team of gallant security forces, and calm had been restored.

He said that the individuals not only attacked the military barracks at Wilberforce but also other locations including the Pademba Road Correctional Center, which led to the escape of prisoners.

"Security operations and investigations are ongoing. We will ensure that those responsible are held accountable through due process," the president said.

In the face of the security challenge, Bio called for national unity.

"Our strength lies in our unity, and it is through solidarity that we can overcome challenges that come our way," Bio said.

"I want to assure everybody who is resident in Sierra Leone that we have overcome this challenge, and together, we will continue on the path of progress and development," the president added.

Following the incident, the Sierra Leonean government issued a nationwide curfew, urging citizens to stay indoors, but when the curfew will end has not been announced yet.

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