Endometriosis is a painful disorder in women whereby the tissue  normally lies inside your uterus and the endometrium grows outside your uterus. This has affected many women worldwide and it involves the ovaries, fallopian tubes and  tissue lining of the pelvis. The pain that tags along is very unbearable and hard to explain. The women that have been affected by this can relate to those pains. It’s like someone is stabbing your pelvis/fallopian tube with this thin sharp big needle and tearing your uterus. It’s just more than usual.

According to the Mayo Clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/endometriosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20354656 these are the signs that could show you have endometriosis:

Severe unusual menstrual cramps –Painful cramping before and after your periods.It can also extend to more than five days. There are women who do not know what severe cramping is and they are lucky because they undergo minimal cramps. Those that get very painful periods are the unlucky ones because it can even interfere with their day to day activities. The pain radiates through the abdomen into your lower back and also the groin which is very uncomfortable. Heavy periods/excessive bleeding- Experiencing heavy flow and humongous clots that lasts more than seven days, it’s an indicator there are signs of endometriosis. You can also pay attention how many times you change your pad, is it hourly? After 30 minutes? Which is not normal. Painful Sex-  Endometriosis causes pain after intercourse or continue after the few days.  But in case of anything beyond that, discuss with a gynecologist. Infertility- According to them endometriosis is first diagonized in some women who are seeking treatment for fertility. Delay of Menstrual Flow- this is according to Family Share https://familyshare.com/26921/7-signs-you-have-endometriosis-and-you-dont-know-it. One’s menses could come in less than 28days or delay for months till it gives a woman weird suspicions. This is a sign of endometriosis. Learn to note down the changes on your cycle dates for this guides you to know if you have regular or irregular flow.

Many women assume these painful cramps thinking it’s normal and it’s not. If you have painful cramps, delaying menses and any above of these signs. Kindly, see a gynecologist for treatment before it’s late.


