If you would rather text than talk one on one on phone, it is about time you put that phone down (Shutterstock)

For many people, especially the younger generation, cell phones have become an extension to their limbs.

Not in the literal sense but you get the point.

It is not uncommon to hear them say that they feel lost without their phones.

As phone companies constantly upgrade and expand their functionalities, they are continuously leading to a dependency and addiction.

So, if you have been taking yourself on a self-realization journey and you’re wondering whether that twitchy feeling you get every time you scroll down is an addiction, this may be your chance to put those doubts to rest.

Here are a few ways you can tell whether you have a serious attachment to your device or you outright have an addiction problem.


The last thing you should engage in before bed time should be your phone. Bedtime is not the ideal time to catch up on social media.

If you find yourself unable to fall asleep without using your phone or you even end up falling asleep with your phone in your hand, you have an addiction problem.

According to researchers, the blue light from your phone makes it harder for you to fall asleep by disrupting your sleep cycles.

Train your mind and body to focus on sleep once you lay down on your bed or you will start to struggle with stress and productivity.


Mostly affecting teens, if you find yourself reacting in a negative way because your phone has been taken you need to check yourself.

If your phone is lost or the battery has died and you have no access to a charger, your mood changes and you become irritable or unhappy, then chances are you are addicted.

Some people don’t even allow anyone to touch their phone and they cannot stay for five minutes without checking the screen.

 One minute you could be looking through insta-stories the next minute you look up three hours have gone by (Shutterstock)
Wasting time

Social media can be a serious time waster if not monitored. One minute you could be looking through insta-stories the next minute you look up three hours have gone by and you have done nothing to write home about.

If you find this happening to you whether you’re taking a coffee break or because you are bored, this could be an indicator you have a problem.


Unless you’re an introvert who likes to keep to themselves and appreciates little to no contact with the outside world then you have no reason not to pick your phone calls.

If you would rather text than talk one on one on phone, it is about time you put that phone down.

Constant use will isolate you from the real world and before you know it, you will lose touch with everyone close to you.

Phantom vibrations

If this happens to you occasionally you have an addiction. Do you find yourself talking to someone or standing in a queue then your phone vibrates and you stop everything you were doing to check only to discover it was a false alarm?

This goes to show your anticipation, eagerness and anxiety to constantly have your eyes on the screen. As a result, your body starts to interpret other stimuli as messages from your phone.

You can’t live without it

Unless your life depends on it then you should have no problem leaving your phone behind when you go for a run or to meet up with your friends for a cup of coffee.

Putting your phone on the table where you can keep an eye on it at all times will eventually annoy those around you and get into the way of your friendships and relationships.

Leave the phone alone.