Set realistic goals and give your system a chance to adopt to the new normal (Shutterstock)

It’s no secret that since the since the outbreak of the pandemic, we have all been forced to change and adopt to newer ways of not only interacting with people around us but our daily schedules have been modified as well.

While a few people may not have had to change their schedules, for others especially parents, working from home while caring for their children has not been easy. With schools reopening, getting back on track may not be a walk in the park.

Here are some ways you can bounce back into your pre-Covid routine while ensuring your safety from the looming pandemic:

Set realistic goals

Before you start feeling like you are not getting enough done or overwhelmed, remember that your system needs time to adjust back to your normal schedule. It has been months of working from home and probably waking up later than usual. Don’t hassle yourself into overworking. Plan your day and do what you can without overworking or overthinking the situation.

Have a daily plan

Every night before you sleep or right after you wake up, jot down some of the tasks you would like to handle. You might want to go grocery shopping or do some house chores before getting down to work. Either way writing it down helps you stay focused and having duties to look forward to during the day. It is easy to procrastinate on major tasks when you don’t plan for them in advance.

Stick to your schedule

Missing a single chore or task on your schedule is not a big problem. Nevertheless, it becomes a big deal when you cumulatively miss everything and never get back on track. For that reason, it is important to stick to your schedule, no matter how simple. For instance, if you needed to go for an evening run and instead can only manage a walk, it’s better than not leaving the house at all.

 Have a daily list of tasks and chores to help keep you on track (Shutterstock)

Slot in your rest time

It’s been a long period of worrying about the pandemic and children staying indoors for months. It’s okay if you still want to relax and just suck it all in once in a while. Whether you are working from home or going to the office, taking a few minutes a day to yourself probably reading a book or meditating can help you recalibrate and stay calm.

Surround yourself with positivity

You may lack motivation or willpower to stick to your goals but you don’t really need any motivation to get yourself up and running. All you need is to design your environment for success and surround yourself with positive people. More often than not you will feel discouraged when the people around you lack motivation as well. Think good thoughts and always hope for the best.

Remember it may not be optimal but it’s beneficial

Always applaud every little thing you manage to achieve. It may not be the best you could have done but it isn’t your worst either. In most cases you will find yourself hung up on being perfect and in dire need of doing everything all at once and without realizing it you might end up achieving nothing come the end of the day. Focus on your small successes and slowly allow your system to adjust and work optimally.

Life Hacks;Covid 19;Living