When the desire for ‘perfect brows’ is extreme, we tend to resort to cosmetic ways of getting the ‘perfect brows’ (Shutterstock)

As a woman, you may have certainly wished for perfect brows at some point. Could be your brows are sparse or they are dense. In either case, you could be struggling to have just the right amount of brows to achieve or maintain a desired look.

It is highly likely that when the desire for ‘perfect brows’ is extreme, women tend to resort to artificial ways of getting the ‘perfect brows.’

One of the cosmetic procedures used to add texture to the brows is microblading.

Microblading is a cosmetic tattooing technique where semi-permanent pigments are added to the skin. The microblading results can last up to 18 months.

It is, however, important to note that, like any other cosmetic procedure, microblading has its fair share of risks.

We look at some of the things you should know about microblading:

· Allergic reactions

Before you go for this procedure, you may want to consult with your aesthetician about allergic reactions associated with pigments used in the microblading process. There are some organic pigments used in the procedure that might cause allergic reactions.

· Infection

Considering that there is some breaking of the skin associated with microblading, chances of infection cannot be ignored. There are risks of transmission of infections including skin bacterial infections especially if hygiene isn’t upheld during the procedure. In this regard, it is necessary that all tools used in the process be sterilized before the procedure to avoid any risks of infection.

· Side effects

If you are considering the procedure, you need to be aware of the probable side effects. If not done in the right way, microblading might have a number of side effects such as the brows feeling sharper due to scabbing and healing.

Also, you might experience swelling and redness on your brows area after the procedure.

· Not everyone is a candidate of microblading

It is important to note that not everyone can do microblading. If you are pregnant, a nursing woman or undergoing chemotherapy, you should not go for microblading as you are at a higher risk of infection.

It is important to consult a physician if you are under medication on whether or not microblading is good for you.

· Skin type can affect microblading results

You need to know your skin and understand that different skin types have different results. Some skin types are more likely to benefit positively from the microblading process while others may not. Those with drier skin types tend to have best results because they can retain the colour pigment better whereas those with oilier skins also work but tend to heal a little softer and lighter.

· It does not affect hair growth

Most people have the notion that microblading affects natural hair growth in the brows. Truth is, it does not. At least, when done correctly, it does not alter natural hair growth. In some instances, it stimulates hair growth thus bringing about fuller brows.

· Healing process might take longer

Everyone heals differently, for some it takes a few days, for others it can take up to months.

For those who experience flakes in the healing process, it is important not to pick them because it might come out with the colour pigment.

Irrespective of how long the healing process takes, it is important to know that the true colour of the microblading is likely to be better visible after the healing is complete.

· Avoid the sunlight

While following the treatment, there are a few lifestyle adjustments you may want to keenly follow for proper healing.

It is advisable to keep your brows out of direct sunlight.

There are also some products such as those rich in Retinols and AHAs that you may want to avoid using during your healing process.