Each of us have suffered or will suffer from acne at some point in our lives (Image: Shutterstock)

If you haven’t suffered from acne count yourself lucky, because approximately 10% of the global population has or will suffer from acne at some point in their lives.

Even so, with so much information and what not to do about acne, a lot of people still find themselves repeating the same acne mistakes year in, year out.

This repetitive circle may be influenced by a number of factors like medication and diet but the most common being the confusion between pimples and acne.

By simple definition, acne is considered a disease and pimples are one of its symptoms.

A pimple or two will disappear but acne can go full blown and affect your whole face and this may require medical attention.

If you find yourself in a repetitive circle of acne breakouts throughout your life, you could be a culprit of the following mistakes:

Going to bed without a cleanse

All day long your skin will accumulate dust, oils and all the other residues that will cling to your skin. If you don’t wash your face before going to bed, these residues are likely to clog your pores and cause an acne breakout every other day.

 Sticking to your same old diet may be doing nothing for your acne situation (Image: Shutterstock)
Popping pimples

Yes, it’s ripe, juicy and ready for a pop but you are only making the situation worse. When you pop a pimple, you are merely transferring bacteria to healthier parts of your face which could lead to a full blown breakout. 

You use oily skincare products

Acne breakouts are based on the fact that your pores get blocked and by using oily products you are only making the situation worse. As you buy your skincare products ensure to check for water based ones that won’t block your pores or irritate your skin.

Sticking to the same diet

By now, we already know that what we eat could also lead to acne breakouts. If you still maintain the same sugar filled, oil full and processed foods diet, your acne situation will not likely change any time soon. Change your diet to healthier foods and hydrate as much as you can to reduce breakouts.

 Over exfoliating may irritate sensitive skin and provoke acne breakouts (Image: Shutterstock)
Too much makeup

If you have sensitive skin, then you know how much damage constant foundation does to it. Putting on makeup once in a while is okay but when you have breakouts, allow your skin to breath and give your pores a chance to unclog.

Over exfoliating

While exfoliating your skin helps to get rid of dead skin, this could worsen acne breakouts. This rough scrubbing will likely irritate your inflamed skin and lead to more acne breakouts. Avoid exfoliating your skin every day.

Unnecessary touching

If you constantly and unnecessarily touch your face, you need to stop. Your hands are constantly touching surfaces than harbor bacteria that you easily transfer to your face. Some of these substances could irritate your skin and cause breakouts.