
The smell of cannabis smoke lingered throughout the house when a student returned from home.

“The smell of weed was everywhere,” a former uni student said of her ex-roomie.

There’s a little saying that you never really know someone until you live with them. Whether going into a housing situation blind, or rooming with a best friend, roommate horror stories are all over campus. Here are traits of terrible roommates and how to deal with them, amicably.

1. Chairman Mafisi Sacco?

Does your roommate have a huge sexual appetite? Why not create a ‘code.’ Janet walked into her roommate doing the did and, “It was not cool at all,” Janet said. To avoid these awkward scenarios, you and your roommate could come up with some kind of code.

Perhaps hanging palm leaf or a sock on the doorknob, or even just sending a quick text that says, “I’m eating chips funga today.” This way, your roommate knows to steer clear of the room for at least two hours.

2. Holy Joe versus kalevi

So, your roommate is the chairlady of CU and your room is a ‘holy ground’. Meanwhile, she doesn’t drink, but you’ve got ‘Jemo’ pulsing through your veins. Decide what activities are off limits in the room.

Most dorms have a strict policy against alcohol, but someone is always going to find a way to sneak something in. Should this be the case with either you or your roommate, it is pertinent that you discuss the level of comfort with alcohol or their matters of faith.

3. The leech

Some roomies report to base minus shopping. You have probably had enough of him nibbling at your omena and wimbi porridge which he generously serves the student association chicks after their monthly meetings. If this behaviour is bothering you, talk about it because ultimately, you’re always going to find at least one problem within any roommate situation. There is no such thing as a perfect roommate.

Though these simple guidelines may not solve all rooming problems, they certainly can help to take the edge off of a sticky, difficult or awkward situation.

- Courtesy