I’m concerned just how we as the community in which nursing mothers live can be more supportive. It is hard to be a young nursing mom, and all help and support possible should be availed to maximise good outcomes in the child. We need to promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, so as to provide critical nutrients for the baby, protection from deadly diseases, and enhanced growth in the first year of life.

It is critical to provide adequate peer support for nursing mothers. Often times many nursing mothers get off to a good start, with eagerness and desire to breastfeed their babies. It is however common to find that in the weeks or months after delivery, there is a sharp decline in breastfeeding rates, and practices, particularly regarding exclusive breastfeeding. During this crucial period, the mothers require continued support to sustain breastfeeding.

Five circles of support have been described, which include family and social network, healthcare, workplace and employment, government/ legislation and response to crisis or emergency, all surrounding women in the center circle. Husbands/partners, family and friends should provide the mother's immediate and continuous source of support. Social support comes from the church, women groups, and it increases the mother's confidence in her ability to breastfeed beyond the early weeks and months. Health care systems for support include mother friendly prenatal care and supportive labour and delivery services to postpartum and postnatal care that facilitates bonding and optimal infant feeding.

The circle on workplace and employment is based on the recognition that employed women face challenges and need support to succeed at working and breastfeeding, thus it is important to facilitate mother-baby contact or expression and storage of breast milk. The government should ensure adequate education for mothers on benefits of breastfeeding, and facilitate supportive legislation. The response to crisis or emergency circle recognises the fact that natural disasters, refugee camps, divorce proceedings, critical illness of mother or baby, or living in an area of high HIV/AIDS pose great difficulties to affected nursing mothers. As a society we need to help and support nursing mothers to effectively adhere to recommended breastfeeding practices.

**Dr Alfred Murage is a consulting gynaecologist and fertility specialist. You can reach him on amurage@mygyno.co.ke